Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

Associate professor dr. Endre Hamvas took part in Erasmus program in the framework of the project called Oak of eternal life generated by the Waczław Felczak Fund in Cracow between 14th and 18th February

Associate professor dr. Endre Hamvas took part in Erasmus program in the framework of the project called Oak of eternal life generated by the Waczław Felczak Fund in Cracow between 14th and 18th February. The goal of the project was two-fold: on the one hand, he intended to present the work of Franciscan monk, Hannibal Rosseli that worked during the reign of István Báthory in Cracow and the monk’s relationship to Báthory based on dr. Endre Hamvas’ previous research; on the other hand it focused on extending the partnerships of Catholic HEIs in Cracow.


1) He held three lectures (14th, 16th, 17th January) in the framework of the program to the students and teachers of Ignatianum Jesuit University on the hermetic tradition and Christianity and the significance of the works of Hannibal Rosseli.

For the presentation of summary of the outcomes, a study was created that presents the relationship of Rosseli with the king, further on it contains the translation of the speech given by Rosseli at the funeral of the king. The finalized manuscript is part of the project report.

2) As for the extension of partnerships, the project can be considered also successful. The organizing of a scientific program has commenced, the first stage of which is an international symposium to be held at Gál Ferenc College on 31st May on the reign of Báthory in Poland. The continuation of the symposium is planned for the fall of this year in Cracow.

Apart from this, we initiated a partnership with John Paul II University s result of which our College launched an educational program and a memorandum of understanding.

Having pointed out the above, it can be asserted that the preliminary goals of the project were achieved during the program.